In its bid to mobilize grassroot support for the smooth implementation of the projects of the Agro-Climatic Resilience in Semi-Arid Landscapes (ACReSAL) activities, in the Federal Capital Territory,  a team from the FCT Project Implementation Unit  had an engagement with diverse groups in Pukafa and Wako Communities  of Kwali Area Council.

During the engagement, which took place simultaneously at the palaces of Etsu of Pukafa and Wako respectively, the ACReSAL team led by the project Agric Officer, Alhaji Kayode Sani, emphasized the importance of collaboration and cooperation amongst the diverse groups which he noted was essential for successful implementation of the project.

He highlighted the need for inclusive participation, ensuring that all community members, regardless of their background or status, have a voice and can contribute to the success of ACReSAL in FCT which he said focuses on providing support that will help address environmental issues as they affect Agricultural activities.

Highlighting on the overall objective of ACReSAL Sani said the project aims at providing support to communities towards addressing environmental challenges that hinder efficient agricultural activities which amongst others includes:

  1. Support for sustainable on soil management practices through the promotion of organic farming methods and training farmers on soil erosion prevention and soil fertility enhancement techniques.
  2. Watershed Management by encouraging responsible water utilization and conservation through the adoption of efficient irrigation methods, rainwater harvesting, and preventing water pollution.
  3. Promote agro-forestry systems that integrate trees in farming and encourage the planting of trees to restore degraded lands.
  4. Help farmers adapt to the impacts of climate change by providing them with knowledge of climate-smart agricultural practices.
  5. Support farmers in adopting effective pest management practices that minimize the use of agrochemicals and encourage the use of biological control methods.
  6. Help farmers’ access inputs, and modern farming technologies.
  7. Capacity building through workshops, training programs to enhance Good Agronomic Practices.
  8. Establish a system to monitor and evaluate the impact of the support provided by the project through feedback from farmers and community members towards improving outcomes.

HRH the ETSU Wako Alh Abdulaziz Usman, expressed appreciation to FCT ACReSAL for recognizing the worthiness of the Wako community assuring that his community members will maintain good behavior and contribute positively in order to maximize the benefits it can bring to the lives. of his people. Farmers and pastoralists discussed their expectations and concerns regarding agricultural practices and land use, while women emphasized the importance of their active involvement and empowerment through the project.

The engagement also focused on addressing the needs and concerns of persons with disabilities. The team highlighted the project’s commitment to inclusivity and explained how measures would be taken to ensure that individuals with disabilities have equal opportunities to benefit from and participate in the project.

The interactive nature of the engagement allowed community members to ask questions, seek clarification, and provide feedback on various aspects of the project.

The FCT ACReSAL team responded to these inquiries, providing detailed information, and addressing any concerns raised.

The FCT ACReSAL Team assured that they will continue to engage the community and others in the FCT throughout the project’s duration, ensuring that community members are actively involved and their needs are adequately addressed.

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