In a significant move to boost community involvement and ensure the successful execution of ACReSAL projects in rural communities, the FCT ACReSAL Project Team has kickstarted the formation of Site Implementation Committees in the Territory.

At a joint inauguration ceremony held for members representing Pukafa and Wako communities at the Palace of the Etsu of Wako,Agric Officer of the Project, Mr. Kayode Sanni,who represented the Project Coordinator, FCT ACReSAL Mrs. Caroline Opara stated that the Committee is instrumental in encouraging community involvement and propelling the progress of the projects.

Mr. Sanni urged the new members to view their appointment as a steppingstone towards greater accomplishments not only in their lives but their communities. He emphasized that the project’s success hinges upon the leadership they exhibit, urging them to avoid religious and ethnic biases and ensure inclusivity since the project’s sustainability directly benefits all members of the communities.

Mr. Sanni informed the members of their dual responsibilities not only as representatives of their communities but also as ambassadors for ACReSAL. He therefore encouraged them to uphold the project’s integrity and act as the eyes and ears of ACReSAL and assist in fostering effective communication and collaboration.

Our expectation with the formation of this committee is for both the ACReSAL team and the newly inaugurated local implementation committees to collaborate closely to identify community needs, gather feedback, and ensure effective project implementation. The main objective of ACReSAL is to foster a sense of ownership and make a lasting positive impact on the socio-economic development of the communities. Your nomination to serve is based on the knowledge and commitment you have exhibited to the development of your communities” Sanni stated.

Speaking on behalf of the members, Mr. Abdullahi Wakoa youth leader in Wako thanked ACReSAL for the opportunity given to them to serve their communities reaffirming their readiness to work diligently in fulfilling their expected responsibilities as the link between ACReSAL and their communities.

Mr. Yahya Yusuf, a Pukafa farmer and member of the committee also pledged that they will uphold the project’s integrity and work towards the successful execution of ACReSAL’s projects. We understand the trust and confidence that has been placed on us, and we assure you that we will put in our best to ensure the successful implementation of these projects,”  he said.

In a related development, the team carried out engagement and sensitization activities in Ashara and Ike communities. At the Palace of the Emir of Ashara, the Climate Change Officer, Mr. Yunusa Boyos as well as the Social Livelihood Support Officer, Mrs. Mary Iheonu, both emphasized the importance of collaboration and cooperation amongst the diverse project stakeholders.

The engagement they further stressed aims to create more awareness and educate community members about the objectives and benefits of ACReSAL. Which is to improve the well-being of communities through the promotion of sustainable landscape management and good environmentally friendly Agricultural practices.

The team highlighted the crucial role of community participation in driving sustainable development, emphasizing that the success of the projects heavily depends on the active involvement, support and commitment of the community members.

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