As part of its continued efforts to broaden the reach and impact of the Agro-Climatic Resilience in Semi-Arid Landscapes (ACReSAL) Project in the Federal Capital Territory, a team from the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) recently undertook a visit to Bwari Area Council to engage with some communities in the Council.

The ACReSAL team, led by Mrs. Margaret Oladoja , Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, interacted with community leaders, youth, and women groups in Gbazango Community, where they discussed the project’s objectives and highlighted the potential benefits and positive impacts that the community can gain from the project’s implementation.

Mrs. Oladoja explained that the ACReSAL project is designed to enhance community resilience to climate change by promoting and supporting climate-smart agricultural practices. She noted that Gbazango has been identified as a priority catchment community for its high potential to benefit from ACReSAL’s targeted interventions and support.

During a courtesy visit to the Palace of the Etsu of Bwari, HRH Ibrahim Yaro JP, the ACReSAL team emphasized the crucial role of traditional institutions in fostering community engagement, securing buy-in and ensuring the success of the ACReSAL project.

They acknowledged the Etsu’s influence and leadership in mobilizing community support and participation.
“Our visit to your palace today is to reaffirm ACReSAL’s commitment to collaborative action. We firmly believe that community involvement is the foundation of addressing climate change and promoting sustainable development, and we are honoured to have your support and partnership in this endeavour.” Oladoja said.

In his response, the Etsu of Bwari, HRH Ibrahim Yaro JP, expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the FCT Administration for embracing the World Bank-funded ACReSAL project, and pledged his full support for the initiative. He acknowledged the project’s potential to mitigate environmental challenges and significantly improve the livelihoods of his people, and assured the team of his continued collaboration and commitment to its success.

The highlight of the visit was the formal introduction of the Focal NGO to the communities and the inauguration of the Site Implementation Committee (SIC) for the Gbazango community, a major step in ensuring community ownership, participation and ensuring the project’s success.

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