The Project Coordinator of the Agro-Climatic Resilience in Semi-Arid Landscapes (ACReSAL) Project in the Federal Capital Territory, Mrs. Caroline Opara has described the recent Mission to Sokoto by the World Bank team and ACReSAL as a huge learning experience for the FCT ACReSAL team.

Opara made this assertion during a debriefing session with members of the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) on the recently concluded mission to Sokoto, which she said was organised to provide a platform for all participating states to showcase their individual successes.

In her words , “The Sokoto mission, was not only a chance for the FCT ACReSAL Project to demonstrate its progress but it presented us, a golden opportunity to learn from the approaches adopted by other states. We were able to proudly showcase the progress we have been able to record within the relatively short period in the life of our project”.

Mrs. Opara commended the World Bank Task Team Leader, Joy Agene , for her continuous support and encouragement since the project’s inception in the FCT.

We owe a debt of gratitude to the Task Team Leader for her enduring support. Our commitment is unwavering as we strive towards our goals, and with the guidance from the Federal Project Monitoring Unit (FPMU), we are confident that we will very soon be able to showcase the excellence that the FCT is known for” Mrs. Opara confidently stated.

She stressed the need for members of the PIU to redouble their efforts, recounting the significant progress that has been made to reach the restoration targets of 10,000 hectares in collaboration with Area Council Authorities I the FCT, University of Abuja and the College of Education Zuba .

Mrs. Opara also highlighted the progress of the livelihood support programs, including the ongoing construction of solar-powered water tanks in eight communities and the proposed provision of essential farm inputs to approximately 150 Community Interest Groups (CIGs) that are registered with the project in the FCT.

These efforts demonstrate the project’s commitment to not only environmental restoration but also to enhancing the quality of life and self-sufficiency for local communities ” Said Opara

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